Consolidated budget reporting and claiming manual
The Consolidated Fiscal Reporting System (CFRS) is a standardized reporting method accepted by these state agencies (OASAS, OMH, OPWDD, SED, DOH a nd OCFS), consisting of schedules which, in different combinations, capture financial infor mation for budgets, quar terly and/or mid-year claims, an annual cost rep ort, and a final claim. · Consolidated Fiscal Report Manuals Currently available files are: July to June Transmittal Letter HTML / PDF ( KB) Manual (3, KB) Appendices (2, KB) Day Extension Request; January to December Transmittal Letter HTML / PDF ( KB) Manual (2, KB) Appendices (6, KB) Memo re: CFRS v35 CFR-1 Validation Error. New York State Consolidated Budget Reporting and Claiming Manuals Frequently Asked Questions for Downloading and Installing the Consolidated Fiscal Reporting software In order to install the CFRS Application on PC’s having Windows Vista, 7, 8, or 10, users must have Full Administrative Privileges.
Consolidated Fiscal Reporting and Claiming Manuals, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars and Social Services Laws including, but not limited to, the following: NYS CONSOLIDATED FISCAL REPORTING AND CLAIMING MANUAL NEW YORK STATE CONSOLIDATED FISCAL REPORTING APPENDIX I AND CLAIMING MANUAL (CFR) - APPENDIX I -. Consolidated Fiscal Reporting. and Claiming Manual. January 1, - Decem. Office of Office for People With Office ofAlcoholism and NYS Education Department Office of Children. Consolidated Fiscal Reporting and Claiming Manual Subject: Introduction Section: Page: Reporting Period: July 1, to J Issued: 07/ The CFR is used as both a year-end cost report and a year-end claiming document. The year-end cost report consists of the core and supplemental schedules. The year-end cost report is.
capture financial information for budgets, quarterly and/or mid- year claims, an annual cost report, and a final claim. The instructions in this manual specify that a standard set of rules be followed to provide consistent data for comparison purposes. Software is available to assist in the preparation of the CFR (see Section ). The Consolidated Fiscal Reporting and Claiming Manuals are accessible from the CFRS Web site’s home page. New York State Consolidated Budget Reporting and Claiming Manuals Access CFR Training Information. Consolidated Fiscal Report Manuals Currently available files are: July to June Transmittal Letter HTML / PDF ( KB) Manual (3, KB) Appendices (2, KB) Day Extension Request; January to December Transmittal Letter HTML / PDF ( KB) Manual (2, KB) Appendices (6, KB) Memo re: CFRS v35 CFR-1 Validation Error.